Medical Practice Management

Understanding Healthcare Compliance: What Every Practice Needs to Know

By Raul Neyra / July 18, 2024 / Comments Off on Understanding Healthcare Compliance: What Every Practice Needs to Know

Reading Time: 5 minutes Healthcare compliance refers to the process of adhering to established guidelines, regulations, and standards set forth by regulatory bodies in the healthcare industry. These guidelines ensure that healthcare practices operate within legal and ethical boundaries, safeguarding patient safety and data privacy.   Compliance is critical for several reasons: Patient Safety and Quality of Care: Ensuring […]

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Lean Private Practice Solutions: Medical Office Sharing

By Dr. Mitra Sadhu / May 10, 2024 / Comments Off on Lean Private Practice Solutions: Medical Office Sharing

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi, My name is Dr Mitra Sadhu. I run a lean private practice in Florida.   A lean practice is one that is laser-focused on patient wellbeing, while cutting out all the fluff.   It comes from lean innovation, that had its beginnings in manufacturing and now has spread to pretty much every industry.   […]

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Track for Medical Practice Success and Growth

7 More Useful KPIs to Track for Medical Practice Success and Growth

By Raul Neyra / January 22, 2024 / Comments Off on 7 More Useful KPIs to Track for Medical Practice Success and Growth

Reading Time: 5 minutes In the fast-paced world of healthcare, staying ahead requires a keen eye on performance metrics that truly matter. In a previous blog post, we delved into crucial KPIs shaping the pillars of Appointment Scheduling Efficiency, Financial Health, Patient Experience, and Operational Efficiency. If you missed our first part, catch up on those insightful KPIs here. […]

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Common Struggles in Your Medical Practice

Navigating Financial Challenges: Unveiling 3 Common Struggles in Your Medical Practice

By Raul Neyra / January 18, 2024 / Comments Off on Navigating Financial Challenges: Unveiling 3 Common Struggles in Your Medical Practice

Reading Time: 6 minutes Welcome to the Billed Right blog, where we’re tackling the nitty-gritty of financial challenges in medical practices. Understanding and navigating the “red zone” is crucial for doctors, practice managers, and medical staff in today’s ever-changing healthcare landscape. In this article, we’ll explore the three common reasons behind revenue decreases in medical practice. We aim to […]

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Mastering Medical Billing Appeals

Mastering Medical Billing Appeals: Your Comprehensive Guide.

By Raul Neyra / December 28, 2023 / Comments Off on Mastering Medical Billing Appeals: Your Comprehensive Guide.

Reading Time: 7 minutes The appeals process in medical billing holds significant importance as it provides a mechanism for healthcare providers to challenge denied claims and rectify billing discrepancies. It acts as a crucial step in ensuring accurate reimbursement, maintaining financial stability for healthcare practices, and upholding the integrity of the billing system. Effectively navigating the appeals process can […]

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Drawbacks of AI Chatbots in Healthcare

Drawbacks of AI Chatbots in Healthcare: Navigating Challenges

By Raul Neyra / December 18, 2023 / Comments Off on Drawbacks of AI Chatbots in Healthcare: Navigating Challenges

Reading Time: 4 minutes Healthcare has been undergoing a transformative journey with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and chatbots that rose to the mainstream in November of 2022. These digital companions are crucial in streamlining processes, enhancing patient care, and optimizing overall efficiency within medical practices. In this second part of our three-part series on AI in healthcare, […]

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Useful KPIs to Track Medical success and growth

7 Useful Healthcare KPIs to Track for Medical Practice Success and Growth

By Raul Neyra / November 29, 2023 / Comments Off on 7 Useful Healthcare KPIs to Track for Medical Practice Success and Growth

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ever wondered what keeps a medical practice ticking and, more importantly, thriving? Well, it’s not just about treating patients; it’s about keeping tabs on the right stuff. In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, achieving and sustaining success requires a strategic approach. For medical practitioners, practice managers, and healthcare staff alike, understanding and harnessing the power […]

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Understanding the physician Burnout

Understanding the Doubling of Physician Burnout Rates in Recent Years

By Raul Neyra / November 21, 2023 / Comments Off on Understanding the Doubling of Physician Burnout Rates in Recent Years

Reading Time: < 1 minute A study done by researchers at JAMA Network Open asked 1373 physicians over three different survey periods (2017, 2019, 2021) and found significantly higher burnout rates year after year. Specifically, higher burnout rates in groups of female physicians compared to male counterparts and primary care physicians compared to providers in other specialties. Medical workplace burnout […]

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Postive Impact of AI Chatbots

The Positive Impact of AI Chatbots: Transforming Healthcare

By Raul Neyra / November 21, 2023 / Comments Off on The Positive Impact of AI Chatbots: Transforming Healthcare

Reading Time: 3 minutes In an era where technology continues to reshape the landscape of healthcare, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is proving to be a transformative force. At the forefront of this revolution are AI chatbots, versatile tools that hold the potential to redefine patient engagement, streamline administrative processes, and enhance the overall healthcare experience. This blog […]

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Benefits of Cultural Competence in Healthcare

The Benefits of Cultural Competence in Healthcare

By Raul Neyra / October 11, 2023 / Comments Off on The Benefits of Cultural Competence in Healthcare

Reading Time: 2 minutes Cultural competence in healthcare entails understanding and attending to patients’ cultural context and acknowledging their diverse backgrounds. It’s essential to ensure that healthcare professionals, doctors, and practice managers can provide the best possible care to a diverse patient population. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of cultural competence and its impact on patient […]

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